Newsletter 3/06/2024 Term 2 Week 8
Confirmation Prayer
From the Principal
The Week Ahead
Winter tri-sports
Cross Country Succcess
Parish Bulletin
Employment News
Known Dates
Helping Hand
Watch this, Space!
P&F Fundraiser
School Student Broadband Initiative
Save the Date - Movie Night
Community Events
Men's Health Night
Confirmation Prayer

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,
We had a beautiful celebration of Confirmation on Friday evening with 12 students choosing to become full members of the church through the sacrament. We congratulate them and their families on this special occasion.

The Week Ahead
Winter tri-sports
Congratulations to all the 5/6 students who represented St Patrick's at the Tri Sports last week. Well done to our football and netball teams who will go through to the next round this Friday in Warrnambool.
Cross Country Succcess

We had 5 students compete in the Division Cross Country last week; Edie, Harry, Roy, Millie & Pippa. Harry Sinnott qualified for the State Chamionships and we wish him all the best in Melbourne.

Parish Bulletin
Employment News

After an extensive recruitment process, we are delighted to announce that the following appointments have been made for next term.
5/6WS - Amy's Family leave will be filled by Katrina Donoghue. (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
Art Specialist - Vickie's role will be filled by Clare Younis on Tuesday & Wednesday and by Pru Darcy on Thursdays.
We welcome these new people to our staff and thank Pru for her wonderful commitment to the school.

The canteen staff have asked us to reiterate that they do not provide credit at the canteen, all lunches are to go through the Spriggy app. If you are having trouble accessing the app, please contact Daniel Beard at Mercy Regional College.

Some time ago we began buying additional fruit for the occasions when a child may be still hungry after meal times. Today we had 2 kilograms of apples devoured before our second break. This is great news for their healthy choices but perhaps parents could pop an extra piece of fruit into lunch boxes to ensure they have enough during the day.
Known Dates
Below is a list of known dates at this stage for the rest of this year.

Helping Hand

We have a family in our community experiencing difficult circumstances at the moment and we would like to be able to support them by providing them with some meals. If you are able to make an extra meal and send it to school, we will make sure they are delivered to them. To support dietry needs, please clearly write the ingredients on the dish. Thank you.
Watch this, Space!
Our school production is fast approaching. The children are busy practicing their routines with Kirsty and Vickie.
The production will be held in the MRC stadium on Tuesday the 25th June which is a matinee performance, Wednesday the 26th June and Thursday the 27th June which are evening performances.
It's the year 2200. The very last piece of coal just ran out and the President Of the World (POW for short) can't take their nightly bubble bath. With absolutely no help from the A.I. Vice President, POW discovers that a new type of energy has just been invented—Kinesiactricity: the power generated by large dance mobs. The only problem? No one on Earth has danced since the Great TikTok Crash of 2062 and everyone has forgotten how.
With the help of the world's oldest human—the last dance historian on Earth—POW must take a ragtag team on a treacherous journey to the stars to save not only the bubble baths, but also the Earth from a danceless future.

P&F Fundraiser

St Pat's Pot O’Gold Draw!
Win Camperdown Cash to spend at any business of your choice in postcode 3260.
Prize values - 1st $2000 2nd $1000 3rd $500
Tickets $20 each

An online Parent Information Session will be conducted this Wednesday June 5th, via Zoom at 6:00 pm.
Please use the following link to join:
We are excited to announce that we have now partnered with an independent Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) provider called TheirCare.
TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. During sessions, children develop life-skills, friendships, confidence, and creativity through play-based programs.
We look forward to welcoming TheirCare to the St Patrick’s Primary School Camperdown community in 2024.
For further information, visit or call our support office on 1300 072 410
School Student Broadband Initiative
Please find information reguarding the Australian Governments School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI).
The Australian Government initiative is designed to boost education opportunities and narrow the digital divide, with the Australian Government providing up to 30,000 eligible families with school age children with no internet at home access to free NBN under the SSBI.
Access to the SSBI has become easier, with applications made through the National Referral Centre that parents/carers with school students can contact directly to check their eligibility.
Victorian families with students enrolled in Prep to Year 12, who do not have an active NBN connection (or had one in the previous 14 days) but can access a standard NBN service at their premises can become eligible with an application to the National Referral Centre.
Save the Date - Movie Night
The P& F are running a movie night in Warrnambool during the next school holidays, Wednesday July 3rd.
Save the date and come along for a fun evening!
Tickets are available for purchase from the office.


Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate their birthday this week and during the holidays.
Rhys D, Mitchell B & Thomas P
Community Events

Men's Health Night
Hosted by Timboon District Health Services